Thursday, February 28, 2008

Updates and maybe some good signs from Zim

I was reading some stuff on Zimbabwe recently and the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has reported that inflation has risen from 66,000% to over 100,000% within a little over a month. That is not even comprehendable. US inflation is like 2-3%. This is almost unheard of. Mugabe is printing money like it is his job to try to maintain order, pay people off, prevent overthrows, coups, etc.. (particularly, as was pointed out, since the election is coming around in March). I was talking to my professor of economics and he was saying that inflation at these rates historically points to the falling of a regime as a dictator seeks to maintain control by printing money to maintain power and position.... so maybe some light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. Hopefully this is Mugabe's last hoorah...


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