Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Keep an eye out, the elections occurred on Saturday but Mugabe is reluctant to let the results out. Word on the street is that there is going to have to be a run off election between the 2 leading candidates, Mugabe and Tsvangirai. Fingers crossed.. Here's a link to the NY Times website which has fairly regular updates of the elections...

Also, Dispatch Foundation has a new campaign with information about the elections (inclsuding a comparison to the U.S. elections) and a petition that you can sign for fair elections...

1 comment:

Emily said...

so i just stumbled upon this blog and the whole ride for a reason bike trip and i am pretty excited. i would love to meet up with you guys somewhere along the way. i live out in portland, or. i WISH i could bike to bonaroo!! my name is emily and i was at the july 15 dispatch show at msg...