Monday, June 30, 2008

Pics from the road (Illinois/Missouri/Mississippi)

Well its been a while since we've updated the blog, we've been out in the middle of nowhere for quite some time. We finally made it out of god forsaken Kentucky the other day, we were all quite happy to do so.... (Although we did want to say thank you to Violet and Bob for their awesome hospitality and food at their Church and Home. We were basically given thanksgiving dinner, beds, bigscreen tv, and four square) But other than that, it still stands as god forsaken. Funny, as soon as we crossed the Ohio river into Illinois we arrived found two awesome towns immedietly... Cave in Rock and Elizabethtown. One had a huge cave in the rock (hence Cave in Rock) and the other set us up with a campsite and an awesome view of the river. The next day we arrived in Carbondale, Ill where at the last second we decided to all get a hotel room and we stuff 7 people into a one bed room for 6 bucks a person- very nice. The following morning we really just hung out and eventually made it 50 miles down the road to Chester, Ill, just before the Miss. Right before leaving we had to say good-bye to Anne and Colleen, two huge losses. Not a good idea not to have someone to keep 6 boys from being idiots, or make us brush our teeth before bed. I had a really good time with them and am really sad to see them go. Thanks for a good time though guys and for coming with us...
We stayed right at a park with an awesome pool with a high dive that, although closed, we eventually decided that a. we all smelled, b. we wanted to go swimming and c. how could we pass up a high dive. So we hopped the fence and did some olympic diving. The following morning we made it on accross the Mississippi into Missouri where we were all really were blown away by the power and size of the river at its height. We saw some flooding but nothing like we were seeing on TV or in the paper. After that we hit the Mississippi bluffs and have been climbing up and into the Ozarks since then which is where we are now. Hopefully we'll make our way down them by tommorow-ish and on into exciting and dynamic Kansas. To get away from the hills will by very nice though. Hopefully more pics to come and I'll have someone else insert their thoughts next time..
Campsite along Jacks Fork R.

Ozark Mtns.


Mississippi R.

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