Saturday, June 7, 2008

First Day Off in Charlottesville, VA

So, we are taking our first day off today just outside of the mountains. The coming days will be fairly rough, we are predicting, as we head into the Appalachians for the next week or so. We plan to ride about 20 miles out of town tonight to get a head start for tomorrow. The heat is still a huge issue, already it is only 11 o'clock and it is 91 degrees outside, feeling like 102 due with humidity- ouch.

Last night we stayed at a fraternity at UVA which was an awesome location to be able to hit the town and relax for the first time. We had a really good time last night hanging out on the roof and going to main street. A lot going on and the more and more we all hang out the more excited I am about the rest of the trip. We have really, really lucked out with our group and everyone's ability to just roll with the punches.

We have been doing really well with our riding. Yesterday we did between 50 and 60 miles by about 12:30, after getting up and out of Market 76 by 7.

I just want to take chance to thank Market 76, a convenience store on the Route 76 bike route for maintaining space for bikers to camp for free. Also, thanks to the guys at the fraternity in UVA for their last minute hospitality.

Resting under a tree after a tractor trailer went off the road, blocking it for a few hours
Finally, made it to Charlottesville, VA after the huge Horseshoe Hill

Hanging out in Ashland, VA to get out of the heat and shower at the YMCA

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sweet pics! I just put mine up on Facebook so check 'em out, and 'friend' me if I havent already found you on there. I hope youre staying cool! Good luck, be safe, and MISS YOU ALL!