Monday, August 11, 2008

Well, we made it, Finally

Well, we made it, Finally. We arrived in San Diego, CA August 8th in the evening after an entire day of meandering aimlessly throughout the city/cities. More picture and a follow-up will come soon but for now i just thought that I would let everyone know (we know you have been on the edge of your seats) that we made it to the Pacific. Actually we made it to the real Pacific on the 9th. We made it to the harbor on the 8th- we were too exhausted to ride all the way to mission beach once we arrived at the harbor that night being that we had no place to stay or food in our bellies. Now Mims prepares to head home and Billy and I (now, a couple of the last Mohicans) will head north to LA and San Fran for some more adventures. Unfortunately neither of us has a camera so we will only have words to add from here on out for the most part. Hopefully Mims will get the chance to throw up some pictures and reflect a bit... stay tuned

1 comment:

Chris Nemeh said...

Happy B-Day Big A you vagabond!